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Iowa Juneteenth King & Queen Nomination

The Iowa Juneteenth Observance is an official state holiday commemorating the end to slavery and the on-going progress of African Americans. The King & Queen will serve a two-year term and represent the Iowa Juneteenth Observance by making several public appearances during their reign. Couples from across Iowa may be nominated and must meet the following criteria:

1) be married to one another for a minimum of 30 consecutive years;

2) have contributed to the betterment of their church;

3) have contributed to the betterment of their community; and

4) complete all questions on this nomination form.

Expectations of the King & Queen

The nominated couples must be in reasonably good mental and physical health. They are expected to do the following as representatives of the Iowa Juneteenth Observance (based on confirmed schedules):

· Be presented at their coronation ceremony.

· Be driven in the Iowa Juneteenth Urban Parade.

· Be driven in the Iowa State Fair Parade.

· Be coronated at the Black History Month event in February

· Be presented at the Iowa Juneteenth Observance ‘Neighbors Day’ activities.

· Do several public appearances during their reign.

The King and Queen will be escorted to each event that they attend by an appropriate representative of the Iowa Juneteenth Observance. It is an honor to serve as the Iowa Juneteenth King and Queen. The couple is selected to serve as role models for the African-American community and they are held in high esteem with respect to demonstrating commendable and enduring ‘family values’ in the greater Iowa community.

Present any questions regarding the nomination form that you may have to:

William Sims

Iowa Juneteenth Observance

Thank you.

Full nomination form here:



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