In our 107th year, the Des Moines Branch NAACP fights forward with our enduring commitment to Race & Justice, Education Innovation, Inclusive Economy, Health & Well-being, and Environmental & Climate Justice.
While we have been unable to assemble (in-person) and honor the work of individuals and organizations in our community since 2019, we are pleased to be back face-to-face for our 46th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. The event will be held December 3rd, at the Embassy Suites.
Our theme this year is “Fighting Forward.” We have come this far and won’t be turned back! We are pleased to be joined by highly sought-after political strategist, social justice activist and MSNBC Commentator L. Joy Williams as our Keynote Speaker for the evening.
WE NEED YOU IN THE FIGHT!! Our goal is to increase our membership so that we can be an even stronger force in the community, and as a result, a portion of your ticket includes your membership in this historic and transformative organization. Join us as we commemorate our 46th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet being held December 3, 2022, at the Embassy Suites.
Our Freedom Fund Banquet will celebrate the advancement and accomplishments made over the course of the year and honor the contributions of volunteers, freedom fighters and advocates who have made great strides towards making Des Moines an inclusive community rooted in liberation where all persons can exercise their civil and human rights without discrimination.
We appreciate the support you have shown us over the years and ask that you continue to support our efforts by attending and even sponsoring this event. Registering as a Patron, Heritage Sponsor, or Non-Profit/Faith Based Sponsor will ensure that you are recognized in the banquet programming and other advertisements throughout the year.
We thank you for your support and look forward to many more years of fellowship and community building with you in the Des Moines Metro. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact secretary@naacpdesmoines.org
In solidarity,

Victoria Henderson Weber, President
NAACP Des Moines Branch
The NAACP Des Moines Branch is now accepting nominations for its 2022 Freedom Fund Awards. Please download the form below to nominate individuals for the following awards: the Sue M. Brown "Women in NAACP" Award, the Excellence in Advocacy Award, Visionary Leadership in Education Award, Youth Leadership Award, Faith-Based Organization Award, and the Business or Organization Award.