President Lundgren is calling a special meeting on Thursday, Jan 14 at 6pm.
The purpose of this meeting is to prepare our vote for the National NAACP Board of Directors Election. No other agenda items will be addressed at this time.
The ballot contains the following:
Region 4: Regional Rep to the Board of Directors
Rod Chapel
Dedrick Doolin
National Board of Directs At-Large Seat
Ophelia Averitt
Judge Fred Banks
Rev Amos Brown
Edward Dubose
Leon Russell
Karen Boykin-Towns
Yvonne White
Topic: NAACP Special Meeting
Time: Jan 14, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 869 2506 4565
Passcode: 850549
Ebonee Woods
Secretary | NAACP Des Moines